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Webinar: From Day 1 to Year 1: The Critical Role of Onboarding and Training in Caregiver Retention

Join us: 1pm EST on Aug 20th

The health services industry is at a crossroads, and managers and administrators are in the center of the storm. Staffing shortages and high employee turnover are recurring problems that home care, home health, skilled nursing, and senior living providers know ALL TOO WELL. When turnover strikes, everyone suffers.

Employee retention starts with onboarding and training – and when you dig into the onboarding standards of the health services industry today, it doesn’t look good. But there is hope if you know what to do to make employees want to come aboard and stay aboard.

Join Nevvon’s SVP of Revenue and Growth, Allan Levine, and Viventium’s CMO, Terra Vicario, as they dive into the link between onboarding and training and the impact on retention, present findings from Viventium’s 2024 Caregiver Onboarding Experience Report, and highlight actionable steps to better engage, motivate, and retain caregivers.

You'll leave this webainr with:
- Insights: Discuss the challenges facing health services organizations in the current caregiver shortage crisis.
- Understanding: Gain clarity on the impact that a positive onboarding and training experience can have on caregiver retention and engagement.
- Strategy: How to practically connect the findings of this study to your onboarding training program.
- Data: Access real-world statistics supporting the impact of effective onboarding and training in the health services industry.

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